Frequently asked questions
What happens after I place my order?
What happens after I place my order?
All orders are subject to a processing period of 24-72 hours. We try our best to ensure that orders placed are shipped out within 3 business days.
When can I expect my order to arrive?
When can I expect my order to arrive?
After you have received your tracking number, it will take anywhere from 5-15 business days if not sooner depending on the shipping rate you selected, for your order to arrive at the address provided.
If you selected Standard Tracked Shipping expect 8-15 day shipment time, if you selected Priority Shipping expect 6-11 days shipment time, if you selected Express Priority Shipping expect 5-10 days shipment time.
What occurs if I don't receive my order?
What occurs if I don't receive my order?
In the event that you haven't received your order within the allotted shipping period, please contact us.
We take ultimate pride in our customer service and hold ourselves to the highest standard in regards to customer satisfaction. In the off chance that you don't receive your order in a timely manner, let us know and we will inform our distributor to start investigating.
How can I contact customer support?
How can I contact customer support?
Contact us HERE, or send us an email:
We will approve cancellation of an order as long as it is prior to the product being shipped out.